
For Music Director, Operetta Entertains and Enriches

By on January 17, 2013

Enlarge image Carol Rausch is chorus master, music coordinator and education director for the New Orleans Opera Association. <!– end jp-progress –><!– end jp-controls –>Listen<!– playpause –><!– jp-time-holder –>Listen to today’s story. This coming weekend the Loyola Opera Theatre will tackle Leonard Bernstein’s Candide, a comic operetta based on Voltaire’s satiric novel. And although music director Carol Rausch has guided students through the opera over the years, she finds herself increasingly smitten by it. She’ll explain why the play’s message reverberates so clearly on this week’s Notes from New Orleans.<!–break–>To read a related article written by Litwin, visit Nolavie.com

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For Music Director, Operetta Entertains and Enriches

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